Monday, April 24, 2006

So today Evan and I got some awful news about some friends of ours. I hate this because it makes me question God's Soveignty I start thinking in my own mind what I think is fair and right, and I take away from who God is. Our Missions pastor in Kansas and his wife were finally pregnant with twins after 10 years of trying, and doctors... the babies were due mid-July and they born premature today. One is 1.14lbs and the other is 2.21lbs. I just broke down tonight. I mean I can not imagine a 1 pound baby. It just tears me up. And our friends... I just don't even know what to think or say. I want to do something, but I can't. All I can do is give Jack and Ethan to God. (thier names) So if you got a sec- please send up a prayer for David, Heather, Jack and Ethan. Thanks. I know God is still God, but I wish I could understand.


Blogger Andrea said...

Oh, I'm super sorry. That happened to my aunt with her twins, they came too early and didn't make it. I'll be praying for them. And no, there is nothing you can do or say. Just be available. hugs

25 April, 2006  
Blogger Evan and Allison said...

thanks andrea. we heard from evan's sister today. I guess there aren't any unusal problems, they just need tome to develop and gain weight- so that's a plus, but it is still very sketchy. thank you for your prayers.

25 April, 2006  

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