Thursday, December 28, 2006

Well I'm 33 weeks.

I went to the doctor yesterday and everything looks fine. I am still measuring small. I am only 30 cm instead of around 32 or 33. But she said she isn't going to worry about it because her heartbeat sounds strong.
I guess I should be thankful... I am.
We are in our birthing classes now. We had our 2nd one last night. It's funny, I am more squeemish and nervous by everything than Evan is. Watching videos and practicing the breathing stuff... I'm getting all nervous.
I know it will be fine, and as they say in class- the pain is temporary and it's pain with a purpose! yah- ok. :)
7 weeks to go!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the baby! It's so amazing to be a mom!

There's something someone told me as I was nearing the end of my first pregnancy that has stuck with me. She told me that my body was created to have this baby. Everything I need is there. God knew what He was doing! After a comparatively short time, you'll have your little girl in your arms and will be able to pour love on her forever. Hurray for children!

29 December, 2006  
Blogger Nat Zook said...

Hey there,
You can do it! ok that is the most incouraging thing I could come up with. You guys are in my prayers.
Hey was the address wrong on the newsletter label or did it just get sent to the wrong one? I need to inform Lisa if it was wrong. Peace and blessings.

29 December, 2006  
Blogger April Lindh said...

Thanks for updating! Hey, I get back on Monday, but Katherine is going to pick me up so you don't have to worry about it. My flight lands around 4:40pm so see you sometime Monday night. Can't wait to see ya.

29 December, 2006  
Blogger Guntle fam said...

YEY! You have 7 more weeks and I AM 7 weeks! hahaha
One thing that was said in my doula training was so neat - I don't remember exactly how it went - but it was along the lines of this: When thinking of the entirety of your life, what's one day of (pain) childbirth in order to bring forth your daughter?

Nothing I suppose. I can't wait! Hang in there... you're almost done.. and I'm jealous! I think I'll go drink some water....

03 January, 2007  

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